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September 02, 2015

The Tudors. In Thrones!

(Also shared at PlumbBob Keep.)
From the meshes extracted from the Witcher, by Oaristys at the Nexus, one of the furniture pieces is titled "satin chair". I have a whole new suite of furniture made utilizing that one chair as the PARENT mesh. To me, the chair hinted at a Tudor/Stuart era mixed with a Spanish and Renaissance influence. So for today, I went with the Tudor era, by making thrones of that dynasty. And of course, I threw in a papal throne for the drama of that timeframe. So, I present The Tudors. In Thrones.
Tudor Rose  photo e31b102f-aa12-4ed2-b520-556f4237b470_zpsmxdga4sj.png

Henry VII
 photo 8407118f-d246-4498-9a66-d055d02cbfc5_zpszw82tuu3.png

Henry VIII
 photo afbda7b7-21d1-473e-9f02-7b696ed3dddf_zpsf3ms4ltd.png

Edward VI
 photo 0de5e2cc-5398-4ffe-aadf-31d797c71307_zpsbcv6dhsk.png

Mary I
 photo 81820e32-ed7d-4d46-b6a3-4ef186869135_zps60cm70pg.png

Elizabeth I
 photo 8491de4f-9e24-4886-8e4c-d83395b0a694_zpsazaxnbte.png

Papal Throne
 photo d657239b-e990-4f5d-a40f-12c7bd2d85f3_zpsup1jovfc.png

Plain Thrones
Imperial Blue, Imperial Gold, Imperial Purple and Imperial Red
 photo 010fc1ff-62f6-4d4e-93aa-30af3de934da_zpsjzpwie34.png

The meshes are in the zipfile "Witcher Satinchair&Throne" with the recolours in the remaining zipfiles. The satinchair mesh will be needed for the throne recolours to work as the wood frame texture is repositoried to the satinchair mesh.
The rest of the furniture suite to follow soon, I hope. I kinda went crazy and I have about 40 chair textures. But in order for the suite to be complete, I kinda have to make those textures into bedding now too.
Silly me, what was I thinking!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous chair, amazing, so realistic... outstanding work, as all your work is spectcular!!!!
    Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!!


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