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May 06, 2024

Fireplace Aberdeen

Found this in my folder - a mesh I made about seven years ago. It's very simple, but I decided to share it with you now. A hexagonal, free standing fireplace (like, in the middle of the room), non-functional, so you have to place some fire inside of it. I recommend the ones from this set by julsfels. 

You will find the object under Deco > Miscellaneous. In the download you will also find matching walls and floors, filed under Stone Walls. Again, it's old and simple, but maybe some of you have a use for it.

May 02, 2024


 Hallo, ihr Lieben! Hier mal etwas für meine deutschsprachigen Besucher. Auf meinem Blog "Nebelwanderer" findet ihr einen Download der anderen Art. Vor einiger Zeit habe ich Etiketten für Gewürzgläser gestaltet, um meine Küche zu verschönern. Nun kam mir die Idee, daß die vielleicht auch andere gebrauchen könnten, deshalb jetzt als Download - natürlich umsonst!

March 24, 2024

Reupload: New textures of Yuxi's "Faire Folk Sylvan" Mesh

Not really new, but this is a fixed version of a post I did back in 2014. Some people told me, that the clothings didn't show up in their game, so I added the task to my workshop list.                              Here it is, should work now. Original mesh can be downloaded here but it's also included in my file.


February 17, 2024

Scriptorium Walls Addition

Hello! I'm back into simming after more than four years. To warm up, I started with some easy stuff and made some wall coverings, that match my earlier set "Scriptorium Walls". They are filed under panels. If I find the time and in case I will remember how to work with SimPE, you may expect new posts in the near future.


August 07, 2020

Hi, folks! Lately, there have been several requests regarding converting to Sims 4. Since Sims 2 is the only game I've ever played, the things I made for it were meant for Sims 2. I own copyright for the 3 D models I made from scratch, the mapping and texturing, which are contained in the packages. I decided to share with you freely. So, when I want this stuff for Sims 2 only, don't you agree it's okay? I once was in the situation, when I wanted this and that for my game. True creativity always comes from a want. So I started to read tutorials, made my first recolours and later, tried my hands on my first mesh. I can only recommend to you, to start this process, because it's really satisfying. Doing your own stuff is the real thing! People nowadays love to take the easy way by just converting, but this won't kindle your creativity and will hinder your personal developement. Show us what you have in store! Get inspired! Each creator has developed her/ his own unique style. That's why you find so much different stuff in the community. (You don't need expensive programs - I use simple stuff like Wings 3D, Photoshop 7 (!), PhotoScape.)