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July 12, 2011

Fireplace "Smaug"

Seven recolours of HugeLunatic's converted Mid Century Freestanding Fireplace.
Mesh is included.


  1. *faints*

    These are too amazing for words!!
    Thank you!!

  2. Anonymous12 July, 2011

    These are beautiful! Thank you, Lama. :)

  3. Ya know ... I was just thinking. These would be excellent as a fire pit for a blacksmith's shop!

  4. It's amazing how medieval these look. Looking at the original, I wouldn't have thought it would be worth the trouble to try to medievalize it, but this is absolutely beautiful. (I'm sure your picture-taking skills have a little to do with it. :-))

  5. i just love this fireplace it fits perfectly in my hood, but ine little question can you make the same one but without the top part you don't have to if you don't want it

    many thanx lama ^^

  6. If I understand you right, you want the big boxy thing over the top removed...correct?
    That should be easy to do!

  7. I have this done, just need to test it in-game. I made it slave to HL's original, but I want to make sure it works properly! ;) Should be ready to share some time later today! :D

  8. You can find it here:
    I hope that's what you were lookin' for! ;)


  9. Wow, G-Knee, that was fast! Now it offers many more options to use. Thank you!

  10. THank you, THank you, THank you, this is gorgious i will be using this alot

  11. How did I not see these before????? Thank you, Lady Lama!!!

  12. Lorene, this was already done by G-Knee at the Plumb Bob Keep. Grab it HERE


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