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March 21, 2012

Set "Turner" Part I

I've noticed a lack of medieval dressers for our games, so when I found these 3D files on Doug Turner's site, I adapted them for Sims 2. All four pieces have dresser functions, therefore you find them under Dressers. Polycount ranges from 176 to 478, which is very low, yet the objects look very detailed. Basegame required only.
Part 2 will hopefully follow soon.


  1. Holy shit these are gorgeous Ingrid! Thank you!

    Are they animated too?

  2. Well, the Sim will draw out an invisible drawer. The whole animation thing with actually opening doors was too complicated for me and since these were cloned from a three-drawer-dresser, you only get the drawer animation.

  3. I'm speechles, Ingrid!!!
    But I can still type that I really, really love them!
    Thank you!

  4. *gasp* *sputter*

    PRITTY!!!! <3

  5. :jaw:


    Thank you!


  6. Wow!! Danke für diese wunderbaren, fantastischen, detailreichen Truhen und Schränke!! Wie konnten meine Sims vorher ohne diese Schränke auskommen?!


  7. i think these are some of the most beautiful things i have ever seen for the sims! as specially the one on the right! *drool*

    thank you so much!

  8. These are gorgeous on their own, but there's a part two coming? My lady, you spoil us! Thank you!

  9. Oh, the detailing is so fantastic!


  10. Beautiful!

  11. These are again also objects I would love to see available in different colors. I want the dresser to match more than it does, because they are so beautiful. Would you mind if I made a recolor request in PBK?

  12. Well, yes, asking others would be fine. Im busy with other stuff at the moment and your request might get fullfilled much earlier at PBK.


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