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April 09, 2012

Sideboard "Miguel"

Having pulled out my last hairs, I now bring you a new furniture mesh. 
This sideboard is found under Decorative > Miscellaneous and costs 500 $. 
Basegame compatible. Polycount: 98. Yup!


  1. Oh my, Ingrid, this is gorgeous!
    Thank you!!!

  2. 98 polys?? Are you for real?? :D

    Unbelievably beautiful. Thank you!!!

  3. This is just beautiful. Thanks!

  4. AMAZING !!

  5. It's stunning! Thank you do much for sharing :)

  6. Super and 98 poly! Wow!

  7. Low poly, because it's based on eight cubes. Thank you very much for leaving comments! I do this for you.

  8. This is just gorgeous! I don't play a medieval game and I still must have it :)

  9. Outstanding! Medieval Smithy is full of treasures, and this one seems to be one of the best. I have seen a sideboard like that in the real gothic Malbork castle in Poland. It looked exactly like this one. I enjoy each historical accurate thing I can grab for my game :D Great job!

  10. How interesting! I got the texture for this piece of furniture from a texture site and it showed a photo of a real sideboard. Maybe it was taken from the one you've seen?


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