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May 30, 2012

Bath House Tub

First, this new object turned out to be the most complicated mesh I've ever done so far. It had driven me at my wit's end. The tub was cloned from Maxis "Soaking Zone" Hot Tub, a real challenge, because all animations needed to be fixed. This was done by the talented and sweet Rebecah (AffinitySims), and I can't thank her enough for going through SimPe hell for me. Also credits to all testers at PBK, who spent their time on this!
Now, on to the tub. It requires at least one (any) EP to be installed. We've tried to make it base game compatible, but it seems to be impossible.
Please, let me know of any problems! Btw, the water animations were reduced to bubbles and steam only.
You can find it under Plumbings > Hot Tubs for 500 Simoleons. I included two recolours. Polycount: 1278.
In addition, I made a towel, which can be placed on the edges of the tub with "moveobjects on" and "boolprop snapObjectsToGrid false" cheats. It was cloned from Echo's Rug (thank you!), so it would not block the way of any Sim. It also needs one EP. The towel can be found under Deco > Miscellaneous for 5 $.


  1. Anonymous30 May, 2012

    This looks great! Thank you so much for sharing with us! And good job on all the hard work that went into it! :)

  2. Anonymous30 May, 2012

    Thankyou from a sim2 fan!

  3. Cool! Wird gleich auf meinem Apartmentlot in die Bäderei gestellt!!!! Sieht toll aus!!

  4. child_of_air30 May, 2012

    I'm impressed. When you first started this blog I'll bet you had no idea of the things you could do now. You've come so far in your abilities. :)

  5. Ein richtig toller Mesh!! WOW!
    Danke schön ♥♥♥ Crissi

  6. Wow. This is awesome. Thank you very much. :)

    You made so wonderful thinks to TS2, that if I dont be careful, my download folder gonna explode some day. :)

  7. Anonymous28 June, 2012

    This is awesome work. Thank you both!

  8. Anonymous26 July, 2012

    Thanks for your hard work, the mesh is great!

  9. I am so happy I found the download site!I love you stuff! Thank you!

  10. AAA! My dream has come true! A real medieval bathroom!

  11. Gracias! <3 es una bañera hermosaaa


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