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May 06, 2012

Wood Lantern

You can't have enough candles for your "World lit by fire", can you? Here's one in a wooden lantern with six recolours. Basegame compatible. Polycount: 642. 
Found under Sculptures > Miscellaneous for 30 Simoleans.
Note: I do test new objects in my game. If you ever experience any problems with my meshes, please let me know!


  1. Anonymous06 May, 2012

    Beautiful! This will be perfect for my Peasants. You make the most amazing things, Ingrid. Please never stop!

  2. Fantastic as always. Thank you!!

  3. BonnieLaurel07 May, 2012

    Wow! I forget about this blog for a week, and there is so much gorgeous stuff! And what a beautiful picture. Makes me think of a cool night in Al-Andalus.

  4. Anonymous10 May, 2012

    That's great stuff, i want it to my medieval town :D
    And i want to ask you, how can i get that headscarf?

  5. @Anonymous: It's a converted Sims3 hair by Trapping (GOS). Get it HERE

  6. I love having options for lanterns and these are exceptional. Thank you, Ingrid!


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