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July 27, 2012

Siege Tower I

Another warfare object for your sieges.
The floor levels match building floor levels, thus you can place tiles (use columns and delete them afterwards!) and put Sims on them (though it doesn't work perfectly; after all, it's a deco object.) The tower bridge reaches up to the top of third floor.
You can find it under Sculptures for 800 $. Polycount is 1338 on two tiles.
Basegame compatible.
Included is one recolour (mix & match wood and leather).


  1. Anonymous27 July, 2012

    Awesome, this looks great!

  2. Anonymous28 July, 2012

    *jaw hits floor* Wow ... just wow ...

    Fantastic work, m'lady! I never thought a weapon of war could be so beautiful. Thank you so much!!


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