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September 06, 2012

Medieval Alcove

Here's a deco object for your cosy sleeping corners. Just take a double bed and place this alcove around it, using the cheats "moveobjects on" and "boolprop snapObjectsToGrid false". It was cloned from Echo's Rug and won't be in the way when Sims want to use the bed. Find it under Deco > Miscellaneous for 400 S. Polycount: 192. Requires at least one expansion pack.
Since I'm hoping for some recolours, I included the texture map.  :)
Update: Get the improved mesh here


  1. Awww, look at the cute little pig! :)

    And oh, this will be so useful, especially for wealthier peasant/poorer gentry families who probably only have one bedroom but can afford to give Mom and Dad a little privacy. Thank you! :)

  2. This simply wonderful! You're on a roll, Lady.
    And thank you for the texturemaps.:)

  3. oooh! this looks cosy! :3

  4. I love visiting the Smithy to see what you've been up to. It's such a great surprise to see what goodies you will share. Methinks I need to set up camp!

    But this Ingrid ... is object brilliance! I truly love the potential it has for lot creations. Thank you beyond words!

  5. Brilliant, Lady Lama, absolutely brilliant! I can't wait to find an excuse to use this. Thank you, thank you!

  6. This is truly a brilliant idea as Stephanie says. So perfect. Thanks, Ingrid!

  7. Ohmigosh, I am so super excited that you made this. I have been wanting an alcove bed for an age, event trying to arrange one somehow in game (and failing). This is awesome. Thank you so much.

    *Goes back to downloading spree*

  8. This must be one of my favorite downloads of all time. :) It adds such a cozy feeling to beds. I see uses in medieval castles, in modern rustic homes, in Scandinavian cottages... and of course, in pig houses! That picture is so charming. Thank you. <3

    - eluned

  9. Glad you like it, eluned! However, there's an improved version under "Fixed Packages" for download.


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