I didn't join Secret Santa at the PlumbBob Keep, but I do have a gift for all our Simming friends. A set of meshes created by Mr. Necturus that I purchased to convert to the Sims plus a few from Mount&Blade and others with some tweaking by me.
I hope you might enjoy. Here's the items ingame.

Thanks to Mr. Necturus for his creative genius. And special thanks to heget for the textures I used from her sigils for some of the banners. I might have to do them all heget!
The curtains are a separate mesh that you must use "move objects on" cheats to make it work. The single bed and its curtains are slaved to the double bed and its curtains.
The livingroom armchair is the master mesh. The loveseat and sofa are slaved to the armchair.
The double chandelier is actually 2 separate chandeliers. One is a large version for one story. The second is a 2 story chandelier on a long chain placed over the one story chandelier.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays Everyone
Merry Christmas, Wawa. I commented on this incredible set over on PBK, but wanted to say thank you again. And Merry Christmas to Ingrid, too. Thank you both for all of your amazing sets this year.
ReplyDelete~ Niam_h (PBK)
Merry Christmas, Wa. Frohliche Weihnachten, Ingrid.
ReplyDeleteWawa - Thank you for these wonderful gifts. The meshes and textures are fantastic.
Ingrid - Thank you for all the magnificent creations you have shared with us during 2016 and past years. Your talent has grown with each new project.
Thank you both for making the Smithy my first stop for simming medieval gear.
May you have a blessed New Year.
Yeaaaaaah, buddy! These are the whip, Wawa. Thank you and happy new year!
ReplyDeleteOh my! There is so much gorgeous stuff here! Thank you :D
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, Frohe Feiertage! Danke and thanks for continuing the magic! epo
ReplyDeleteI love these! You did such an amazing job, Wawa! I'm totally gonna use all of this in my game. It would be a crime NOT to use this in our Medieval Sim castles. Thank you for your hard work. :D
ReplyDeleteMerry... mid February? I'm late to the party as always, but that doesn't make me appreciate these gorgeous gifts any less - and my lords and ladies will be absolutely delighted. (Also, great to meet another M&B: Warband fan! My favourite module is Floris Expanded; I always play as a female commoner, because I'm a sucker for punishment like that. ;) )
ReplyDeleteSorry for double-posting, but I completely forgot the most important part of my comment: Thank you for this, and for all your hard work! I hope 2017 will be a good year for you, despite recent happenings.
ReplyDeleteThese are really spectacular, Walter. I was in need a nice bed suite for my personal game-play purposes! (◕‿◕)
ReplyDeleteI appreciate how loyal a friend you are and always have been. When you and I decided to only focus on our friendship back in July 2016, I have always been in awe of how protective you have always been of all of your friendships. It is a quality that is obviously wasted on some, but among those of us who are fortunate enough to call you friend...we truly appreciate how wonderful you really are.◔ ⌣ ◔
Please don't let that discourage you. Especially given that you did absolutely nothing wrong, despite being treated with distrust and disrespect. In knowing this, push the negative energy down, focus on your extraordinary Simming talents and walk with pride in being you! This may be just a game, but when you bond in kind with others, real lives are impacted and real friendships can be forged! ʘ‿ʘ
Thank you for all of your shared creations over the years and for being a most wonderful and loving friend. You are truly GLORIOUS! ♥‿♥
Wawa, I know that I have already thanked you for this incredible set, but I have just added it to my game, and WOW! Your pictures do not do this set justice at all! Absolutely amazing, dear Sir. Hope you are well and still creating. Medieval Sims 2 games will be all the worse when you retire!
ReplyDelete~ Niam_h (PBK)