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December 11, 2018

The Marble Gardens.

Also uploaded at The Keep.

Long time no see! Not that I haven't wanted to upload new stuff, my game has been rather "sensitive" of late. What's appropriate for this day's upload is Rugs, from the Keep, took the pictures for me .... and it's her birthday today!! Happy Happy Honey!!
So, I've been downloading like crazy, all these 3D statue models from SketchFab, Scan My World and bought from CG Traders to name a few. Using Blender, I've tried to scale them down to something that still resembles the original without losing it's "look" if you will. Some are still rather high polycounts for a single tile object meaning the one story statues, while the 2 story statues are built on 2tiles (Nike of Samothrace) or 4 tiles. It's up to you if you wish to download them or not. For each of them, the one story statue is the master mesh while the 2 story statues use the same texture reference. That means you need both in your Downloads folder.
So, the pictures! Thanks for taking them Rugs.

Winged Angels -- 1380 polys

Nike of Samothrace -- 15086 polys

St John the Evangelist -- 11389 polys

The Apostle Paul -- 11820 polys

Statues in Battle

Saturn in Battle -- 5119 polys

Venus in Battle -- 7080 polys

Mars in Battle -- 6098 polys

Diana in Battle -- 6304 polys

Diana at The Hunt

10657 polys

10305 polys

10839 polys

10225 polys

11931 polys
I hope you like them.
Find them at SimsFileShare in this Album.

1 comment:

  1. Your work is absolutely marvelous! But the large statue of the evangelist is missing from the archive.


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