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May 06, 2024

Fireplace Aberdeen

Found this in my folder - a mesh I made about seven years ago. It's very simple, but I decided to share it with you now. A hexagonal, free standing fireplace (like, in the middle of the room), non-functional, so you have to place some fire inside of it. I recommend the ones from this set by julsfels. 

You will find the object under Deco > Miscellaneous. In the download you will also find matching walls and floors, filed under Stone Walls. Again, it's old and simple, but maybe some of you have a use for it.


  1. Anonymous07 May, 2024

    Schön, dass Du zurück bist! ♥

    1. Julsfels07 May, 2024

      Anonym. :)) Das war ich.

  2. changeling05 June, 2024

    Wow! It's great to see you back at creating! Thank you for this!

  3. Hallo Andrea, schön, wieder von Dir zu hören, bist ja auch noch fleißig im Simsforum zugange. Ich warte auf eine Fortsetzung von "Zeit der Finsternis"!

    Hi changeling (Kat), thanks for your visit! Creating is just so much fun.

  4. SqueezlePrime05 October, 2024

    Thank you for the fireplace and for including those lovely walls!


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