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May 16, 2012

Font & Basin "Saint Lorene"

These were requested by Lorene. A Baptismal font (or stoup) and a basin, both functioning like sinks. You can find them under Plumbings > Sinks. 
Basegame compatible. Polycount: 376 and 898. 
Font comes with six and Basin with three retextures.


  1. Anonymous16 May, 2012

    Thes eare amazing, Ingrid! I was planning of using Sunni's bowl sink for Baptisimals, but this is just perfect. Thanks for your hard work!

  2. Anonymous18 May, 2012

    Functional fonts and basins? I am in awe, absolutely in awe! Thank you, Lady Lama.

    And by the way, your preview pictures are stunning, as usual. :D

  3. Anonymous20 May, 2012

    Such a wonderful compliment to SDA's church set! Thank you very much, Lama! They are so gorgeous.

  4. Anonymous21 May, 2012

    beautifully well done and such talent you have, thank you heaps

  5. Anonymous08 July, 2012

    I have a question please where is the stone window recolour from?

  6. Hi, the window recolour is by Eva, part of the huge Maxis Uni set she retextured in wood and stone. Get it HERE

  7. Anonymous10 July, 2012


  8. These are really quite nice! I am excited about using them in future lots! Thank you. :)


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