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May 12, 2012

Various Floors III

This set includes eight floorings, found under Stone Floors.


  1. Thanks for the floors :)
    I must ask, where ever did you find that lovely dress the girl in the picture is wearing?

  2. Evangline, the belly dance dress is by Laurae @ GOS. Get it HERE

  3. Anonymous16 May, 2012

    These are beautiful. I may have to work on a Middle-Eastern sub-hood, so mI can do these beautiful floors justice. Also, thanks for the link to the dress!

  4. Anonymous21 May, 2012

    one can never have enough floors and to have floors to go with the era, well done, thank you heaps

  5. Arquivoaso06 March, 2013

    Congratulations, your work is very beautiful!

    Brazilian greetings!


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