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May 01, 2013

Buttresses (Part 1)

Here's the first of two or three buttresses I'm planning to do. You can put it on the ground, but it also fits on a two-tile foundation. Textures match Yuxi's Oblivion Walls. Basegame; Polycount: 216. Found under Columns for 200 §.

Update: Get the improved set here


  1. Your extraordinary talent is never in doubt! These look gorgeous, as always, and I can't wait to find a reason to use them. Thank you!

  2. Anonymous02 May, 2013

    Preeeettty ... *makes grabby hands*

    But a silly question: Where would I find these in the catalog? Deco-something, I'm assuming?

    (Also, you may find this amusing in light of your recent troubles. The relevant bit starts at 2:29.)

  3. StephSim02 May, 2013

    These are really nice, Ingrid! :) I love how they match Yuxi's walls. What a great addition to the architectural elements.

  4. Thanks for these Ingrid, I will attempt to build a gothic cathedral with these, once I have restored my new laptop and the download folders' former glory! F..k the unbelievers in your talent!

  5. Anonymous24 May, 2013

    Looks wonderful!

  6. Teehee, Morgaine!
    Now, the columns are found under columns (thought it would be easier to find them in this category).

  7. These are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much! Just what I always wanted! Sorry it has taken me so long to comment.


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