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June 09, 2013

Buttresses (Part 2)

Another buttress as per request. Found under Columns for 200 §. Polycount: 132. Basegame compatible. See Part 1 here.
Update: Get the improved set here


  1. Okay, I am hyperventilating now!
    Danke Ingrid fuer diese tollen Buttresses (jetzt faellt mir das deutsche Wort nicht mehr ein, ja ja das Alter...)

  2. Anonymous09 June, 2013

    Oh, man. Proper looking cathedrals here I come!

    DANKE !


  3. Anonymous10 June, 2013

    Uhhh,those buttresses are great.I had to admit,i`m not a big fan of medieval stuff,but no church is comlete with those things.
    BTW,the german word for Buttress is "Strebepfeiler"
    Thank you for your great work.

  4. Ich musste erst mal nachsehen und habe "Stützpfeiler" gefunden.
    Danke für eure lieben Kommentare!

  5. These are absolutely perfect! Just what I always wanted! You have inspired me to build. Thank you!!!

  6. Darkraven, I'm glad to see they turned out the way you wanted them.
    Don't know if you were looking for taller ones (3-4 storeys high).

  7. any way this could be converted into sims 3 please?

  8. Please I love your work I've been looking for these Buttresses for a long long time. can you please please convert part 2 into sims 3 please.. thank you so much in advance...


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