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April 24, 2014

The Stonemason Set

lydiasuzanne @ PBK made a request for some stonemason objects. Here's a whole set of 14 new meshes for you! Everything is basegame compatible. Collection files are included. I forgot to include the Mason Table (790 Polygons) in the following collages, but you can see it above.
For the historically interested people: The meshes were modelled after these pictures


  1. Geil! Das erinnert mich an das hier:

    Vielleicht hast du davon ja mal gehört! :)

  2. Andreas, ich verfolge die Baustellenfortschritte seit einem Jahr. Total verrückt, die Leute! Übrigens wird ähnliches ja auch in Deutschland gestartet, schau mal HIER. Übrigens stammen einige meiner Bildvorlagen von beiden Baustellen.

  3. Awesome! I love it! And I needed the stonemason objects too <3

    Is this the Guedelon castle building site on some of the reference pictures?

  4. Really beautiful - thank you!

  5. Das deutsche Projekt kannte ich bis jetzt nicht! Klingt auch interessant. Guedelon verfolge ich sporadisch schon seit einigen Jahren und verliebe mich immer wieder auf's Neue in die Detailverliebtheit dort! Würde ich mir sehr gerne mal persönlich ansehen. Das scheitert allerdings immer am Geld. :(

  6. Wow. This set looks gorgeous! Much thanks!!!

    I see that the guy is hammering on the spherical thing-y in the picture. Is that a default replacement of the Robotics work station? If not, I think you should definitely make it into a default replacement. On the other hand, it may not be such a good idea, because the animations may look funky with the spherical thing-y.

  7. @Alraris, you're correct, I took a look at Guédelon and found some useful pictures.
    @Anonymous, I let the guy produce some toys at the working bench and then placed him in front of the table, making him look like he's hammering on the stone thingy. And I even had thought about doing a workbench clone (not necessarily a default replacement), but I don't know if it can be cloned just like that.

  8. Anonymous16 May, 2014

    Ooh! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing! :D

    Re the robotic bench, yes, it can be cloned, but you need to know your way around BHAVs to get it to work since you'll have a ton of self-referencing BHAVs to iron out. (I know this for a fact because I just made a blacksmith's anvil cloned from it for's Secret Scuba. :) It's not available for download yet, though.)

  9. So, then maybe this would be a job for you!? The table + stone/ sculpture on it = functional workbench :)

  10. Anonymous20 May, 2014

    It would indeed! :D And I'd love to give it a go (with your permission, of course), you've already provided all the building blocks so I "just" have to do some BHAV-ing. Sims would still be creating robots on the bench, though, I haven't been able to figure out how to do custom craftables. Yet. ;) (I can do default replacements, though.)


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