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January 22, 2020

Farewell, Wawa

Hermann Hesse: "Stufen". Translated and published by Richard and Clara Winston, 1990.


  1. What a wonderful choice for a poem. I am still sad he is gone. He was a wonderful creator, here and at the Keep, and a kind and loving person. Wawa, you will be missed!

  2. What a wonderful poem.

    I only just saw the post at the Keep about Wawa's passing, and I'm still in a bit of shock. He was a great creator and he will be very deeply missed.

  3. My heart aches at Wawa's passing. He was very kind and helpful to me. He will be greatly missed. Hopefully another great creator will join your team.

  4. Thanks for posting this Ingrid. Very beautiful. After Walter called me during one of our catch-up chats... everything happened so fast and our rare and beautiful friend was overtaken by a rare illness and a series of unfortunate health related events. While he was still coherent, I was able to express my deep love for him and the beauty he gave to the world and to this community. Even in the end, his compassion for others was at the forefront. While my heart breaks for him leaving this earth, knowing that he is finally living without pain is a god send. And also, knowing all the love, kindness, humour and beauty he left in the world transcends the limits of this world. :) - StephSim

  5. classy! Thank you very much for such wonderful things i've found here!

  6. Awesome blog you have herre


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